
Crispin 2017-2022

Started secondary school in 2017 and enjoyed the first few years then when the choices came on what you want to do for GCSE and the two not mandatory subjects I picked where DIT and business studies because I have an interest in the two. I also decided to pick geography because It was more practical than history.

Photo of crispin school academy
Photo of strode college

Strode College 2022-Current

Started college at the start of the winter term in 2022 and decided to take the T level digital production design and development, this was my entry into coding as a whole and Is when I started to seriously code rather than looking at it and think that's its cool.

I also in the first year participated in a esports competition called student champs held by the British esports association, we made it decently far and it was fun. And in the second year we make websites.